Welcome to Fall Detox & Evolve Program! 

Let’s get ready to cleanse and feel amazing! Though the process is not glamorous nor easy, you will love it and know you are supported every step of the way. There will be days that are difficult and you either falter or arise. Up to you. In either case, you discover layers of the Self not in disappointment but in compassion and understanding. This is a complete mind, body and soul Detox & Evolve program. Get ready to dissolve, evolve and grow!

STEP ONE: Watch Welcome Video – Hello!

THEN … Get the calendar out and plan your days. Designate Day 1, 2 and so on with calendar dates. 


STEP TWO: Assessment – Begin where you are!

Go the Assessment tab and there you will find links to PDF and online pages that will help you asses where you and how to individualize the program for YOU! 

  • Prakruti | Dosha Constitution. This is important to know. Who you are. Our natural body tendencies and how to stay balanced is to understand our constitution. We have a link to an online test via Banyan botanicals, and a PDF link to my own personal Prakruti that I have designed to assess your physical self. Take both find the average. 
  • Vikruti | Dosha Imbalance: in this assessment (Maria’s PDF) you will see what is just not right. When you take this test it is VERY IMPORTANT to just think about the past 2 weeks. How have you been overall. Think before you answer. 
  • Digestion and Ama tests will help you take a look at digestion and toxins that have built up due to poor digestion. Same as Vikruti test make sure you think past 15 days and then answer. 

STEP THREE: Get your shopping list organized!

Now you will feel confident getting organized and making appropriate purchases to ready your kitchen and bathroom. Get a 10% discount with Banyan Botanicals just enter MARIA10 at check-out.  

STEP FOUR: Let’s connect!

This year we are working on a new platform we hope all can access and not deal with Facebook to avoid extra stimulation. So our Google Group Link will take you to our online communication platform for questions and discussions. 

Go to Google Classrooms here, click on the plus sign in the up right corner, and enter this code to join our classroom: g13cl5