Journal Time …. 

Where would you like your practice to go?

A sacred question answered in Yoga by the word, Sankalpa, our resovle, our intentinon. In Yoga, I was taught the importance of Sankalpa both for living but also for my sadhana, practice.  There is great power in clarity and vision. A knowing of what we need to support the whole of life. Sankalpa in many ways aligns with Dharma, our sacred why. 

So as you prepare to embark on your 9,18 day journey. The question before you is what is your Sankalpa? Why are you choosing to cleanse?

Take a moment to close your eyes and breathe, relax, As your body what does it need? What do you really need?

Breathe more deeply and and ask how is the mind? What is the quality and movement of thought?

Look down into your heart. What is there? Is the light of spirit bright? Can you shine more?